A Perfect Doctor
I tell everyone how right I was to meet Barış Gülgez, to decide him to perform my obesity surgery. His patiently replying every question I ask before and after the surgery
A Doctor I can Reach Anytime
I had sleeve gastrectomy on May 28, 2018, I also had stones in my gallbladder, it was removed ta the same time. Doctor Barış Gülgez is a very attendant doctor
I am Grateful to You for Making Me Be Reborn
Imagine a person, a hero who sheds light to the people in the world in shaping their fates without any personal interest, I believe words fail to describe him.
I lost 28 Kilograms with Sleeve Gastrectomy Operation
Doctor Barış Gülgez performed sleeve gastrectomy on me in August and thanks to God first, and then doctor Gülgez, I lost 28 kilograms.
Many thanks to Baris Gülgez, M.D.
I met my doctor Barış Gülgez on May 8, 2018. I had operation on May 14th. I had a weight problem since my childhood. Although I tried everything myself
My Thanks to Erdal Kayhan M.D.
One of the few doctors I can trust with my full faith. Thank you doctor, lucky is the patient who comes across you