Duodenal Switch ProcedureSimilar to gastric bypass, DUODENAL SWITCH procedure is both restrictive and leads to reduction in absorption.

This method, which is also called loop duodenal switch, is a highly effective procedure for weight loss as well as the treatment of metabolic problems, especially diabetes, both with its restrictive and absorption reduction effects.

How is Duodenal Switch Procedure Performed?

The first step of the procedure is the removal of 85% of the stomach as in sleeve gastrectomy to leave a stomach in the form of a thin tube. This step has the effect of restricting food intake.

In the second step, duodenum is cut and divided from a few centimetres below the circular muscle layer called pylorus, to the point where bile and pancreatic fluids are carried.

The stomach outlet is anastomosed with the small intestine from 250 centimetres above the small intestine - large intestine junction. In other words, the length of the intestine where bile and other digestive enzymes mix with food and lead to absorption is reduced to 250 centimetres.

This procedure reduces the absorption of fat and calories in nutrients even at a higher rate than gastric bypass.

Eligible Patients for Duodenal Switch

  • If you have a BMI of 45 or higher
  • If you have uncontrollable diabetes that requires the use of insulin
  • If you will be able to fulfil the conditions for follow-up and vitamin use, Duodenal Switch procedure can be suitable for you.

What are the advantages of Duodenal Switch Procedure?

bmi calculator

Duodenal switch procedure, which combines the effects of food intake restriction and absorption reduction, is one of the bariatric surgery methods that provide the highest weight loss ratios.

Most patients can lose 80-100% of their excess weight within an average of 9 months. Moreover, it is one of the procedures that provide the most substantial results in eliminating type 2 diabetes.

Other accompanying metabolic conditions such as hypertension, sleep apnoea and high cholesterol levels also improve substantially and rapidly.

The most significant adverse effect is frequent and smelly diarrhoea in the early postoperative period, which gradually declines after the intestinal adaptation process.

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